Our Work
At Tripscout, we understand that no two clients are the same. We pride ourselves on developing bespoke solutions for any size destination including cities, states, regional, or international. We’ve worked with some of the premier brands and destinations in travel including Miles Partnership, Discover Puerto Rico, Visit Maine, Visit Malta, San Francisco Travel Association and more.
Featured Partners
As a 4X partner, Visit Maine trusts Tripscout to be their always-on content partner. We’ve built a robust regional approach to ensure the entire state is highlighted.
Tripscout has partnered with Visit Malta twice to showcase both the beauty and history of this European island.
Discover Puerto Rico
Tripscout developed and launched a first-to-market creator-led campaign for Discover Puerto Rico that drove overnight stays, highlighting their full recovery from a recent hurricane.
San Francisco
While San Francisco has many well-know iconic attractions, our campaign focused on showcasing the hidden gems and distinct neighborhoods that make SF so unique.
Visit Nebraska
Honestly, it’s not for everyone. Tripscout partnered with Visit Nebraska to showcase the unique and quirky things that make Nebraska worth visiting, for the someones seeking new adventures!
More than Magnolia and girls trips. That’s the story Waco wanted to showcase. With the iconic Dr Pepper museum, the history of the Texas Rangers, and a new youthful spirit buzzing around the city, Waco offers so much for every type of traveler.
Want more info on any of our case studies? Email us and we’d be happy to share a full report!
Campaign Posts Published
Impressions Delivered

“Tripscout’s ability to land the perfect celebrity chef to elevate the Maine food tourism story this year is more perfect than we could have imagined.”
Jordan K, Senior Account Director, Miles Partnership